Feature packed with some significant privacy enhancements!
In the second quarter of 2020, 13.5 percent of all smartphones sold worldwide were iPhones, and it is extremely important for us at 51Degrees to identify all the Apple devices and their OS versions.
Using 51Degrees’ solution, not only do you get the device model and OS version, you also access loads of other powerful information such as processing power, browser type, screen resolution, and retail price, to name just a handful.
Try me for yourselfOn the 16th September 2020, Apple released iOS 14 and iPadOS 14, jam-packed with new features with some significant privacy enhancements.

One of the main privacy features around “opt in only IDFA”(identifier for advertisers) will not be delivered as a part of this upgrade.
iOS 14 is one of Apple's biggest iOS updates to date, introducing Home screen design changes, major new features, updates for existing apps, Siri improvements, and many other tweaks that streamline the iOS interface.
Which phones will run iOS 14?
Here is a list of compatible hardware for iOS 14, going all the way back to 2015, sticking to Apple’s philosophy of latest software for even older devices:
iOS 14 detection
If you have upgraded your set up to detect iOS 13, you do not have to do any additional steps to detect iOS 14.
Implement all the latest techniques for iOS 14 iPhone and iPad OS 14
51Degrees continue to innovate in the field of device detection. Apple iOS 12.2 made identification of iPhone and iPad models harder. 51Degrees responded with a two-part solution.
Image Hashing
We have built on the progress made so far, and using our existing technologies we can now identify iOS 14.
Our solution to detect iOS 13 will work for iOS 14 as well with no changes.

51Degrees is at the forefront of keeping up to date with the latest Apple releases including iOS 14.
If you'd like to know more about upgrading to 51Degrees device detection, and the solution demonstrated in the blog then please contact us.
The full Apple identification solution is part of 51Degrees device detection suite of services. Save the hassle of rolling your own solution and deploy 51Degrees today and get access to over 55,000 different device models with associated properties.