This example shows how to use the 51Degrees Cloud service to look up the details of a device based on a given 'TAC'. More background information on TACs can be found through various online sources such as Wikipedia.
Unlike other examples, use of this example requires a license key which can be purchased from our pricing page. Once this is done, a resource key with the properties required by this example can be created here.
This example is available in full on GitHub.
/* *********************************************************************
* This Original Work is copyright of 51 Degrees Mobile Experts Limited.
* Copyright 2025 51 Degrees Mobile Experts Limited, Davidson House,
* Forbury Square, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom RG1 3EU.
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* The 'Compatible Licences' set out in the Appendix to the EUPL (as may be
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* ********************************************************************* */
package fiftyone.devicedetection.examples.console;
import fiftyone.devicedetection.shared.Constants;
import fiftyone.devicedetection.shared.DeviceData;
import fiftyone.devicedetection.shared.testhelpers.KeyUtils;
import fiftyone.pipeline.core.configuration.PipelineOptions;
import fiftyone.pipeline.core.configuration.PipelineOptionsFactory;
import fiftyone.pipeline.core.flowelements.Pipeline;
import fiftyone.pipeline.engines.fiftyone.flowelements.FiftyOnePipelineBuilder;
import java.util.List;
import static fiftyone.common.testhelpers.LogbackHelper.configureLogback;
import static fiftyone.devicedetection.examples.shared.PropertyHelper.asString;
import static fiftyone.devicedetection.examples.shared.KeyHelper.*;
import static fiftyone.pipeline.util.FileFinder.getFilePath;
public class TacCloud {
// Example values to use when looking up device details from TACs.
static final String TAC_1 = "35925406";
static final String TAC_2 = "86386802";
public static final String TAC_EXAMPLE_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME = "SuperResourceKey";
public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception {
String resourceKey = args.length > 0 ? args[0] : null;
run(resourceKey, System.out);
public static void run(String resourceKey, OutputStream os) throws Exception {
// In this example, we use the FiftyOnePipelineBuilder and configure it from a file.
// For a demonstration of how to do this in code instead, see the
// NativeModelLookup example.
// For more information about builders in general see the documentation at
// the configuration file is in the resources directory
File optionsFile = getFilePath("tacCloud.xml");
// load the options and if no resource key has been set in the file
// use the one supplied to this method
PipelineOptions pipelineOptions = PipelineOptionsFactory.getOptionsFromFile(optionsFile);
String fileResourceKey = pipelineOptions.find("CloudRequestEngine", "ResourceKey");
if (KeyUtils.isInvalidKey(fileResourceKey)) {
getOrSetSuperResourceKey(resourceKey, TAC_EXAMPLE_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME);
try (PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(os)) {
writer.println("This example shows the details of devices " +
"associated with a given 'Type Allocation Code' or 'TAC'.");
writer.println("More background information on TACs can be " +
"found through various online sources such as Wikipedia: " +
// Create the pipeline using the service provider and the configured options.
try (Pipeline pipeline = new FiftyOnePipelineBuilder()
.buildFromConfiguration(pipelineOptions)) {
// Pass a TAC into the pipeline and list the matching devices.
analyseTac(TAC_1, pipeline, writer);
analyseTac(TAC_2, pipeline, writer);
static void analyseTac(String tac, Pipeline pipeline, PrintWriter output) throws Exception {
// Create the FlowData instance.
try (FlowData data = pipeline.createFlowData()) {
// Add the TAC as evidence.
data.addEvidence(Constants.EVIDENCE_QUERY_TAC_KEY, tac);
// Process the supplied evidence.
// Get result data from the flow data.
MultiDeviceDataCloud result = data.get(MultiDeviceDataCloud.class);
// The 'MultiDeviceDataCloud' object contains one or more instances
// implementing 'DeviceData' which is the same interface used for standard device
// detection, so we have access to all the same properties.
output.format("Which devices are associated with the TAC '%s'?%n", tac);
for (DeviceData device : result.getProfiles()) {
AspectPropertyValue<String> vendor = device.getHardwareVendor();
AspectPropertyValue<List<String>> name = device.getHardwareName();
AspectPropertyValue<String> model = device.getHardwareModel();
// output the result, taking care to deal with "no value" cases
output.format("\t%s; %s; %s%n", asString(vendor), asString(name), asString(model));