Example showing the result cache feature of the Pipeline API.If you want to know more about how result caching works, a complete explanation can be found in the documentation.
This example is available in full on GitHub.
The example shows how to:
- Add a cache to an engine:
primeEngine = new PrimeCheckerEngineBuilder()
.SetCache(new CacheConfiguration())
- Demonstrate that subsequent calls to the engine that pass the same evidence will not go through the engine's Process method:
Test without a cache
813565824 is not prime
Processing took 79.64ms
813565824 is not prime
Processing took 54.77ms
Test with a cache
1391949351 is not prime
Processing took 78.01ms
1391949351 is not prime
Processing took 1.08ms
/* *********************************************************************
* This Original Work is copyright of 51 Degrees Mobile Experts Limited.
* Copyright 2025 51 Degrees Mobile Experts Limited, Davidson House,
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using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Examples.ResultCaching
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var instance = new Program();
Console.WriteLine("Example complete. Press any key to exit.");
// Wait for user to press a key.
Console.WriteLine("Test without a cache");
// Create a new 'prime checker' engine.
var primeEngine = new PrimeCheckerEngineBuilder()
// Run the example using the engine
Console.WriteLine("Test with a cache");
// Create a new 'prime checker' engine.
primeEngine = new PrimeCheckerEngineBuilder()
// Add a cache with the default configuration
.SetCache(new CacheConfiguration())
// Run the example using the engine with a cache
Console.WriteLine($"This engine contains a " +
$"{Constants.PRIMECHECKER_ENGINE_DELAY}ms delay to simulate " +
$"complex processing. The first test above does not use " +
$"a cache so both process calls take at least that long. " +
$"In the second test, a cache is added, This means that on the " +
$"second call to process the same number, the engine already " +
$"has the result in it's cache due to the first call and can " +
$"return that result much more quickly as it avoids the " +
$"{Constants.PRIMECHECKER_ENGINE_DELAY}ms delay.");
private void Run(PrimeCheckerEngine primeEngine)
// Create a new pipeline using the prime checker engine
// that was passed in
using (var pipeline = new PipelineBuilder(new LoggerFactory())
Random rnd = new Random();
// Get a random integer
int value = rnd.Next();
// Determine if the value is prime or not.
Process(value, pipeline);
// Repeat the process with the same value.
Process(value, pipeline);
private void Process(int value, IPipeline pipeline)
bool prime = false;
// Create a new flow data instance.
using (var data = pipeline.CreateFlowData())
// Set the specified value as the input evidence.
data.AddEvidence(Constants.PRIMECHECKER_EVIDENCE_KEY, value);
// Start timer to measure processing time
Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();
// Process the evidence.
// Stop timer
// Read the result back from the flow data.
prime = data.Get<IPrimeCheckerData>().IsPrime ?? false;
// Output a message displaying the number and whether
// it is prime or not along with the time taken.
Console.WriteLine($"{value} {(prime ? "is" : "is not")} prime");
Console.WriteLine($"Processing took " +