[detail level 1234567] | |
NAspNetCore_Example | |
CProgram | |
CStartup | |
NExample_Framework_Website | |
NControllers | |
CHomeController | |
CBundleConfig | |
CFilterConfig | |
CMvcApplication | |
CRouteConfig | |
NExample_Website | |
NControllers | |
CHomeController | |
NExamples | [class] |
NClientSideEvidence | |
NMVC | |
NControllers | |
CHomeController | [usage] |
CProgram | |
CStartup | |
NShared | |
CSimpleClientSideElement | [class] [constructor] |
CSimpleClientSideElementBuilder | [class] |
NCloudEngine | |
NData | |
CIStarSignData | [class] |
CStarSign | [class] |
CStarSignData | [class] |
NFlowElements | |
CSimpleCloudEngine | [class] [constructor] |
CSimpleCloudEngineBuilder | [class] |
CProgram | |
NCustomFlowElement | |
NData | |
CIStarSignData | |
CStarSign | [class] |
CStarSignData | [class] |
NFlowElements | |
CSimpleFlowElement | [class] [constructor] |
CSimpleFlowElementBuilder | [class] |
CProgram | |
NOnPremiseEngine | |
NData | |
CIStarSignData | [class] |
CStarSign | [class] |
CStarSignData | [class] |
NFlowElements | |
CSimpleOnPremiseEngine | [class] [constructor] |
CSimpleOnPremiseEngineBuilder | [class] |
CProgram | |
NResultCaching | |
CProgram | |
NUsageSharing | |
CProgram | |
NFiftyOne | |
NPipeline | |
NCore | |
NAttributes | |
CAlternateNameAttribute | This attribute can be applied to classes and methods to specify an alternative name that can be used for that class/method in Pipeline configuration files |
CCodeConfigOnlyAttribute | This attribute can be applied to methods to specify that they can only be used when configuring a fluent builder in code |
CDefaultValueAttribute | This attribute can be applied to methods and parameters to specify what the default value is for that setting |
NConfiguration | |
CElementOptions | Configuration object that describes how to build an IFlowElement |
CPipelineOptions | Configuration object that describes how to build a Pipeline using a PipelineBuilder See the Specification |
NData | |
NTypes | |
CJavaScript | JavaScript type which can be returned as a value by an ElementData |
CDataBase | This class stores data values as key/value pairs where the key is a string and the value can be any type |
CDataKey | A DataKey is a multi-field key intended for use in caching and similar scenarios |
CDataKeyBuilder | Class to assist with the creation of DataKey instances |
CElementDataBase | This class stores property values that have been determined by a specific FlowElement based on the supplied evidence |
CElementPropertyMetaData | Meta-data relating to properties that are populated by Flow Elements |
CEvidence | This class contains the evidence that is passed in to a Pipeline as part of a FlowData object See the Specification |
CEvidenceKeyFilterAggregator | This implementation of IEvidenceKeyFilter aggregates multiple other filters using a logical OR approach |
CEvidenceKeyFilterWhitelist | This evidence filter will only include keys that are in a list that is specified at construction time |
CFlowData | The FlowData class contains the data that is used within a pipeline |
CFlowError | This class contains details about errors that occur during processing |
CIData | Represents property values |
CIDataKeyBuilder | Represents a class that can create new DataKey instances |
CIElementData | Represents property values that have been determined by a specific FlowElement based on the supplied evidence |
CIElementPropertyMetaData | Represents meta-data relating to a property that is populated by a IFlowElement instance |
CIEvidence | Interface to the evidence that is passed in to a Pipeline as part of a FlowData object See the Specification |
CIEvidenceKeyFilter | Represents an object that filters evidence key names based on some criteria |
CIFlowData | The IFlowData represents the data that is used within a pipeline |
CIFlowError | Represents an error that occurred during processing |
CLicencedProducts | Used by the CloudRequestEngine to store details of accessible products and properties based on the currently configured resource key |
CProductMetaData | Licensed properties class used to deserialize accessible property information from cloud services |
CPropertyMetaData | Standalone instance of ElementPropertyMetaData, used to serialize element or aspect properties |
NExceptions | |
CEngineRefreshException | Exception that can be thrown when an IOnPremiseAspectEngine fails to reload from one or more of it's data sources |
CPipelineConfigurationException | Exception that is thrown when the configuration options provided to PipelineBuilder are invalid See the Specification |
CPipelineDataException | Exception that can be thrown when the available data does not match that which is expected |
CPipelineException | Base class for all exceptions thrown by Pipeline API components |
CPipelineTemporarilyUnavailableException | Indicates that pipeline refused to process Data.IFlowData based on the internal state of some flow elements |
CPropertiesNotYetLoadedException | Thrown by FlowElements.IFlowElement.Properties to indicate that properties are not available yet but MAY(!) be re-requested later |
NFlowElements | |
CFlowElementBase | Abstract base class for Flow Elements |
CIFlowElement | IFlowElement is the basic building block of a pipeline |
CIPipeline | The public interface for a Pipeline |
CIPipelineBuilderFromConfiguration | Pipeline builders implementing this interface are capable of building a IPipeline based on a supplied PipelineOptions instance |
CIPipelineInternal | Internal interface for a pipeline |
CParallelElements | ParallelElements executes it's child IFlowElement objects in parallel |
CPipeline | A pipeline is used to create IFlowData instances which then automatically use the pipeline when their Process method is called |
CPipelineBuilder | Default pipeline builder |
CPipelineBuilderBase | Abstract pipeline builder base class See the Specification |
NServices | |
CFiftyOneServiceProvider | Basic implementation of IServiceProvider |
NTypedMap | |
CITypedKey | Represents a key to a ITypedKeyMap data store |
CITypedKeyMap | Represents a collection that stores data of multiple different types |
CTypedKey | A key to a ITypedKeyMap data store |
CTypedKeyMap | A collection that stores data of multiple different types |
CConstants | Class containing values for commonly used evidence keys |
CMessages | A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc |
NEngines | |
NCaching | |
CDataKeyedCacheBase | Abstract base class for caches that use IFlowData as the key |
CDefaultFlowCache | The default 'flow cache' implementation |
CIDataKeyedCache | Represents a put cache where the key is a IFlowData instance |
CIFlowCache | Represents a 'flow cache' See the Specification |
NConfiguration | |
CCacheConfiguration | Contains everything needed to build a cache |
CDataFileConfiguration | This class contains the automatic update configuration parameters that can be supplied to an engine for a particular data file that the engine uses |
CDataFileConfigurationBuilder | Builder class for DataFileConfiguration instances |
CDataFileConfigurationBuilderBase | Builder class that is used to create instances of DataFileConfiguration objects |
CIDataFileConfiguration | Interface representing the configuration parameters controlling the automatic update checks for a specific data file |
CLazyLoadingConfiguration | Used to store configuration values relating to lazy loading See the Specification |
NData | |
NReaders | |
CIDataLoader | Used to load data from either a file or byte array into the format 'T' |
CJsonLoader | JSON implementation of IDataLoader |
CAspectDataBase | Base class for element data instances that are generated by an IAspectEngine |
CAspectEngineDataFile | This class contains all configuration and run-time state information that is associated with a particular data file used by an aspect engine |
CAspectPropertyMetaData | Meta-data relating to properties that are populated by Aspect Engines |
CAspectPropertyValue | This class can be used where engines have a property that may be populated and may not |
CIAspectData | Represents an ElementData instance that is generated by an IAspectEngine |
CIAspectEngineDataFile | Interface for the details of a data file used by an Aspect engine |
CIAspectPropertyMetaData | Represents meta-data relating to a property that is populated by an IAspectEngine instance |
CIAspectPropertyValue | See the Specification |
CIDataUpdateUrlFormatter | Represents an class that can build a complete update URL from a supplied IAspectEngineDataFile instance |
CIMultiProfileData | Represents a specific type of IAspectData that contains multiple IAspectData instances |
NExceptions | |
CDataUpdateException | Exception that can be thrown when a DataUpdateService fails to successfully complete an update |
CNoValueException | Exception that can be thrown when an AspectPropertyValue<T> does not have a value |
NFiftyOne | |
NConfiguration | |
CFiftyOneDataFileConfiguration | Data file configuration class for 51Degrees data files |
CFiftyOneDataFileConfigurationBuilder | Builder class for 51Degrees specific data file configuration instances |
NData | |
CEvidenceKeyFilterShareUsage | This filter is used by the ShareUsageElement |
CEvidenceKeyFilterShareUsageTracker | Wrapper for EvidenceKeyFilter for Share Usage, to be used with the ShareUsageTracker to exclude specific evidence keys from the filter |
CFiftyOneDataFile | Class that stores meta-data relating to a data file associated with a 51Degrees engine |
CFiftyOneUrlFormatter | 51Degrees specific URL formatter |
CIComponentMetaData | Meta data relating to a component of an Engine's results e.g |
CIFiftyOneAspectPropertyMetaData | 51Degrees specific meta data |
CIFiftyOneDataFile | A specialized can of IAspectEngineDataFile for files that will be distributed by the 51Degrees 'Distributor' web service |
CIProfileMetaData | Meta data relating to a profile within the data set |
CISetHeadersData | The IElementData interface for SetHeadersElement |
CIValueMetaData | Meta data relating to a specific value within a data set |
CSetHeadersData | Element data instance for SetHeadersElement See the Specification |
NFlowElements | |
CFiftyOneOnPremiseAspectEngineBase | 51Degrees specific Engine base class |
CFiftyOneOnPremiseAspectEngineBuilderBase | A base class for engine builders for on-premise engines that use a single data file and use the 51Degrees Distributor web service to check for and download data updates |
CFiftyOnePipelineBuilder | Pipeline builder class that allows the 51Degrees share usage element to be enabled/disabled |
CIFiftyOneAspectEngine | 51Degrees specific Engine interface |
CISetHeadersElement | An IFlowElement that collates responses from all engines that want to set headers in the HTTP response in order to gather additional data |
CSequenceElement | Sequence element establishes session and sequence evidence in the pipeline |
CSequenceElementBuilder | Builder for SequenceElement instances |
CSetHeadersElement | This element is used to determine the values for HTTP headers that other elements in the pipeline want to be sent to the client |
CPipelineConfig | Contains configuration information relating to a particular pipeline |
CPropertyDetails | Used to store details of SetHeader* properties |
CSetHeadersElementBuilder | Fluent builder for SetHeadersElement instances |
CShareUsageBase | Abstract base class for ShareUsage elements |
CShareUsageData | Inner class that is used to store details of data in memory prior to it being sent to 51Degrees |
CShareUsageBuilder | Builder class that is used to create ShareUsageElement instances |
CShareUsageBuilderBase | Abstract base class for ShareUsageElement builders |
CShareUsageElement | Flow element that sends usage data to 51Degrees for analysis |
NTrackers | |
CShareUsageTracker | A tracker used by share usage to attempt to avoid repeatedly sending data relating to the same user session |
CConstants | Constants used by 51Degrees Aspect Engines |
CMessages | A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc |
NFlowElements | |
CAspectEngineBase | Base class for 51Degrees aspect engines |
CAspectEngineBuilderBase | Abstract base class that exposes the common options that all 51Degrees engine builders should make use of |
CIAspectEngine | Interface representing 51Degrees on-premise aspect engines |
CICloudAspectEngine | An interface for aspect engines that process responses from a cloud service |
CIOnPremiseAspectEngine | Interface for an AspectEngine that processes evidence using one or more local data files |
COnPremiseAspectEngineBase | Base class for 51Degrees on-premise aspect engines |
COnPremiseAspectEngineBuilderBase | Abstract base class that exposes the common options that all 51Degrees on-premise engine builders should make use of |
CPrePackagedPipelineBuilderBase | Base class for pipeline builders that will produce a pipeline with specific flow elements |
CSingleFileAspectEngineBuilderBase | Abstract base class that exposes the common options that all on-premise engine builders using a single data file should make use of |
NServices | |
CDataUpdateCompleteArgs | Event arguments used when an 'UpdteComplete' event is fired by an IDataUpdateService |
CDataUpdateEventArgs | Event arguments used when events are fired by an IDataUpdateService |
CDataUpdateService | Service that manages updates to data files that are used by IAspectEngine instances |
CIDataUpdateService | Service that manages updates to data files that are used by IOnPremiseAspectEngine instances |
CIMissingPropertyService | Service that determines the reason for a property not being populated by an engine |
CMissingPropertyResult | Details of why a property is not populated by an engine |
CMissingPropertyService | Service that determines the reason for a property not being populated by an engine |
NTrackers | |
CITracker | |
CTrackerBase | The abstract base class for trackers |
CConstants | Static class containing various constants that are used by the Pipeline and/or are helpful to callers |
CMessages | A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc |
CPropertyMissingException | Exception thrown when a user requests a property that is not present in the IFlowData |
CUtils | Static utility methods |
NIpSplitter | |
CIpSplitterElement | |
CIpSplitterElementBuilder | |
CISplitIpData | |
CSplitIpData | |
NJavaScript | |
NTests | |
CJavaScriptBuilderElementBuilderTests | |
CJavaScriptBuilderElementTemplateTests | |
CJavaScriptBuilderElementTests | These tests check the various functions of the generated JavaScript include using WebDrivers to simulate a browser environment |
CJavaScriptBuilderElementTestsBase | |
NJavaScriptBuilder | |
NData | |
CIJavaScriptBuilderElementData | The IElementData interface for JavaScriptBuilderElement |
CJavaScriptBuilderElementData | The IElementData class for JavaScriptBuilderElement |
NFlowElement | |
CJavaScriptBuilderElement | JavaScript Builder Element generates a JavaScript include to be run on the client device |
CJavaScriptBuilderElementBuilder | Builder for the JavaScriptBuilderElement See the Specification |
NTemplateData | |
CJavaScriptResource | A helper class that packages the parameters required by the JavaScript mustache template into the required format |
CConstants | Static class containing various constants that are used by the Pipeline and/or are helpful to callers |
CMessages | A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc |
NJavaScriptBuilderElementTests | |
CCookiesTests | |
NJsonBuilder | |
NConverters | |
CAspectPropertyValueConverter | A JsonConverter that converts IAspectPropertyValue instances into JSON data |
CJavaScriptConverter | A JsonConverter that converts JavaScript instances into JSON data |
NData | |
CIJsonBuilderElementData | The IElementData interface for JsonBuilderElement |
CJsonBuilderElementData | JsonBuilderElement data class |
NFlowElement | |
CIJsonBuilderElement | The Interface for the JsonBuilderElement See the Specification |
CJsonBuilderElement | The JsonBuilderElement takes accessible properties and adds the property key:values to the Json object |
CPipelineConfig | Contains configuration information relating to a particular pipeline |
CJsonBuilderElementBuilder | Fluent builder class for constructing JsonBuilderElement instances |
CConstants | Static class containing various constants that are used by the Pipeline and/or are helpful to callers |
CMessages | A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc |
NJsonBuilderElementTests | |
CAspectPropertyValueConverterTests | |
CJavaScriptConverterTests | |
CJsonBuilderElementTests | |
CEmptyAspect | |
CJsonBuilder | |
CJsonData | |
NMath | |
CConstants | |
CIMathData | |
CMathData | |
CMathElement | |
CMathElementBuilder | |
NGettingStarted | |
CProgram | |
NSimpleClientSideElement | |
NData | |
CIStarSignData | [class] |
CStarSign | [class] |
CStarSignData | [class] |
[detail level 1234567] | |
NAspNetCore_Example | |
CProgram | |
CStartup | |
NExample_Framework_Website | |
NControllers | |
CHomeController | |
CBundleConfig | |
CFilterConfig | |
CMvcApplication | |
CRouteConfig | |
NExample_Website | |
NControllers | |
CHomeController | |
NExamples | [class] |
NClientSideEvidence | |
NMVC | |
NShared | |
NCloudEngine | |
NData | |
NFlowElements | |
CProgram | |
NCustomFlowElement | |
NData | |
NFlowElements | |
CProgram | |
NOnPremiseEngine | |
NData | |
NFlowElements | |
CProgram | |
NResultCaching | |
CProgram | |
NUsageSharing | |
CProgram | |
NFiftyOne | |
NPipeline | |
NCore | |
NEngines | |
NIpSplitter | |
NJavaScript | |
NJavaScriptBuilder | |
NJavaScriptBuilderElementTests | |
NJsonBuilder | |
NJsonBuilderElementTests | |
NMath | |
NGettingStarted | |
CProgram | |
NSimpleClientSideElement | |
NData | |
CIStarSignData | [class] |
CStarSign | [class] |
CStarSignData | [class] |