What's Covered
This tutorial illustrates how to append a CSV file containing User-Agent strings with IsMobile, PlatformName and PlatformVersion properties. The following aspects of the API are covered:
- How to perform a User-Agent match.
- How to reuse resources to perform subsequent matching.
- How to retrieve match results for a specific property.
- How to append a property value to a CSV file.
Code and Explanation
Set the various settings for the 51Degrees detector
string fileName = args[0]; DataSet dataSet = StreamFactory.Create(fileName, false); string[] properties = {"IsMobile","PlatformName","PlatformVersion"};
Instantiate the 51Degrees device detection provider
with these settings
Provider provider = new Provider(dataSet);
Open an input file with a list of User-Agents, and an output file,
StreamReader fin = new StreamReader(inputFile); StreamWriter fout = new StreamWriter(outputFile);
Write a header to the output file with the property names in '|'
separated CSV format ('|' separated because some User-Agents contain
fout.Write("User-Agent"); for (i = 0; i < properties.Count(); i++ ) { fout.Write("|" + properties[i]); } fout.Write("\n");
For the first 20 User-Agents in the input file, perform a match then
write the User-Agent along with the values for chosen properties to
the CSV.
while ((userAgent = fin.ReadLine()) != null && currentLine < linesToRead) { provider.Match(userAgent, match); fout.Write(userAgent); foreach (var property in properties) { fout.Write("|" + match[property]); } fout.Write("\n"); currentLine++; }
Offline device detection is frequently required for a variety of reasons such as generating reports. The example is based on an actual support request where several properties had to be added to the CSV file before it could be passed on for another department to use.
This tutorial covered how to use the detector offline to append the first 20 lines of a CSV file with Lite properties: IsMobile , PlatformName and PlatformVersion . Using a Premium or an Enterprise data file gives you access to a far greater number of properties including HardwareVendor , PriceBand , ScreenInchesWidth , IsCrawler and more. A full list of properties and the data file version they are present in can be viewed in the Property Dictionary .