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What's Covered

Tutorial illustrates how to use the API in a Web project. The following aspects are covered:

  • Start a simple Perl server
  • Create an instance of Provider
  • Print a table of details relating to the data set
  • Process a match for requests User-Agent HTTP header and print a table of properties
  • Process a match for requests relevant headers and print a table of properties

Code and Explanation

Full Source File
    package TestServer;

    use HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI;
    use base qw(HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI);
    use FiftyOneDegrees::PatternV3;
    use String::Buffer;

    # List of 51Degrees properties to make available. Where a property is not
    # supported in the provided data file it will not be available.
    my $propertyList = "BrowserName,BrowserVendor,BrowserVersion," .
                    "DeviceType,HardwareVendor,IsTablet,IsMobile," .

    # Replace with the following lines for Premium or Enterprise data.
    # my $filename = "../../data/51Degrees-PremiumV3.2.dat";
    # my $filename = "../../data/51Degrees-EnterpriseV3.2.dat";
    # Premium and Enterprise data files contain more properties, are updated
    # more frequently and are more accurate than the free Lite data.
    # See to get data files.
    # Set the location of the source data file for the web server.
    my $filename = "../../data/51Degrees-LiteV3.2.dat";

    # Create a device detection provider with a cache for 50,000 User-Agents
    # and 20 concurrent detections.
    my $provider = new FiftyOneDegrees::PatternV3::Provider(
        $filename, $propertyList, 50000, 20);

    # An array of the important HTTP headers in prefixed uppercase format
    # (i.e. HTTP_USER_AGENT rather than User-Agent) to send to the detection
    # algorithm.
    my $importantHttpHeaders = $provider->getHttpHeaders();

    # Array of all the properties available. May not match $propertyList as
    # properties may not be supported by the provided data file.
    my $properties = $provider->getAvailableProperties();

    # The number of rows in a table listing each property requested.
    my $propertyRows = (scalar (split(',', $propertyList)) + 1);

    # Build some HTML button snippets to add to the generated page.
    my $dataOptions;
    if ('Lite' == $provider->getDataSetName()) {
        $dataOptions = '<a class="button" target="_blank" href="" title="Compare Premium and Enterprise Data Options">Compare Data Options</a>';
    my $methodHyperLinkUA = '<a class="button" target="_blank" href="" title="How Pattern Device Detection Works">About Metrics</a>';
    my $propertiesHyperLinkUA = '<a class="button" target="_blank" href="" title="Review All Properties">More Properties</a>';
    my $methodHyperLinkHeaders = '<a class="button" target="_blank" href="" title="How Pattern Device Detection Works">About Metrics</a>';
    my $propertiesHyperLinkHeaders = '<a class="button" target="_blank" href="" title="Review All Properties">More Properties</a>';
    my $propertyNotFound = '<a target="_blank" href="">Switch Data Set</a>';

    # Relate URL paths to response handlers.
    my %dispatch = (
        '/json' => \&resp_json,

    # Listen for incoming requests performing device detection and providing
    # simple output for the example.
    sub handle_request {
        my $self = shift;
        my $cgi  = shift;   # object
        return if !ref $cgi;

        # Create a map with all relevant HTTP header names and values.
        my %headers = map { $_ => $cgi->http($_) } $cgi->http();
        my $matchingHttpHeaders = new FiftyOneDegrees::PatternV3::MapStringString();
        foreach $httpHeader (@$importantHttpHeaders) {
            my $value = $headers{$httpHeader};
            if ($value) {
                $matchingHttpHeaders->set($httpHeader, $value);

        print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n";

        my $handler = $dispatch{$cgi->path_info()};
        if (ref($handler) ne "CODE") {
            $handler = \&resp_default;

        $handler->($cgi, $matchingHttpHeaders);

    # Provides a JSON plan text response with properties for the requesting device.
    sub resp_json {
        my $cgi = shift;
        my $matchingHttpHeaders = shift;

        print $cgi->header('text/plain');

        # Get the JSON for the available properties for these headers.
        my $json = $provider->getMatchJson($matchingHttpHeaders);

        # Display the result.
        print $json;

    # Outputs a standard HTML table with the match results.
    sub resp_match {
        my $match = shift;

        foreach $property (split(',', $propertyList)) {
            my $values = $match->getValues($property);
            print '<tr><td><a target="_blank" href="' . $property .
                    ' title="Read About ' . $property . '">' . $property . '</a></td><td>';
            if (scalar @$values > 0) {
                print join(',', @$values);
            else {
                print $propertyNotFound;
            print '</td></tr>';
        print '</table>';

    # Outputs details about the requesting device.
    sub resp_default {
        my $cgi = shift;
        my $matchingHttpHeaders = shift;

        print $cgi->header('text/html');

        print '<!doctype html>';
        print '<html>';
        print '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" class="inline">';
        print '<body>';
        print '<div class="content">';
        print '<p><img src=""></p>';
        print '<h1>Perl Pattern - Device Detection Server Example</h1>';

        print '<table>';
        print '<tr><th colspan="3">Data Set Information</th></tr>';
        print '<tr><td>Name</td><td>' . $provider->getDataSetName() . '</td><td rowspan="6">' . $dataOptions . '</td></tr>';
        print '<tr><td>Format</td><td>' . $provider->getDataSetFormat() . '</td></tr>';
        print '<tr><td>Published Date</td><td>' . $provider->getDataSetPublishedDate() . '</td></tr>';
        print '<tr><td>Next Update Date</td><td>' . $provider->getDataSetNextUpdateDate() . '</td></tr>';
        print '<tr><td>Signature Count</td><td>' . $provider->getDataSetSignatureCount() . '</td></tr>';
        print '<tr><td>Device Combinations</td><td>' . $provider->getDataSetDeviceCombinations() . '</td></tr>';
        print '</table>';

        # Display the matching device details for the User-Agent.
        my $userAgent = $matchingHttpHeaders->get("HTTP_USER_AGENT");
        print '<table>';
        print '<tr><th colspan="2">Match from User-Agent</th></tr>';
        print '<tr><td>User-Agent</td><td>' . $userAgent . '</td></tr>';
        print '</table>';

    my $match = $provider->getMatch($userAgent);
        print '<table>';
        print '<tr><th colspan="2">Match Metrics</th><td rowspan="5">' . $methodHyperLinkUA . '</td></tr>';
        print '<tr><td>Id</td><td>' . $match->getDeviceId() . '</td></tr>';
        print '<tr><td>Method</td><td>' . $match->getMethod() . '</td></tr>';
        print '<tr><td>Difference</td><td>' . $match->getDifference() . '</td></tr>';
        print '<tr><td>Rank</td><td>' . $match->getRank() . '</td></tr>';

        print '<tr><th colspan="2">Device Properties</th><td rowspan="' . $propertyRows . '">' . $propertiesHyperLinkUA . '</td></tr>';

        # Display the matching device details for the HTTP headers.
        print '<table>';
        print '<tr><th colspan="2">Match with HTTP Headers</th></tr>';
        print '<tr><th colspan="2">Relevant HTTP Headers</th></tr>';
        foreach $headerName (@$importantHttpHeaders) {
            print '<tr><td>' . $headerName . '</td><td>';
            if ($matchingHttpHeaders->has_key($headerName)) {
                print $matchingHttpHeaders->get($headerName);
            } else {
                print '<i>header not set</i>';
            print '</td></tr>';
        print '</table>';

    my $match = $provider->getMatch($matchingHttpHeaders);
        print '<table>';
        print '<tr><th colspan="2">Match Metrics</th><td rowspan="5">' . $methodHyperLinkHeaders . '</td></tr>';
        print '<tr><td>Id</td><td>' . $match->getDeviceId() . '</td></tr>';
        print '<tr><td>Method</td><td>' . $match->getMethod() . '</td></tr>';
        print '<tr><td>Difference</td><td>' . $match->getDifference() . '</td></tr>';
        print '<tr><td>Rank</td><td>' . $match->getRank() . '</td></tr>';

        print '<tr><th colspan="2">Device Properties</th><td rowspan="' . $propertyRows . '">' . $propertiesHyperLinkHeaders . '</td></tr>';

        print '</div>';
        print '</body>';
        print '</html>';

# start the server on port 8080
my $pid = TestServer->new(8080)->background();
print "Use 'kill $pid' to stop server.\n";

Full Source File


In this tutorial you have seen how to use the detector in the context of a simple server to retrieve various properties from both a single User-Agent header and multiple HTTP headers. For a full list of properties and the data files they exist in please see the Property Dictionary .