What's Covered
This tutorial illustrates how to use the API in a Web project. The following aspects are covered:
- Import detector settings from php.ini file
- Create an instance of Provider
- Print a table of details relating to the data set
- Process a match for requests User-Agent HTTP header and print a table of properties
- Process a match for requests relevant headers and print a table of properties
Code and Explanation
if (extension_loaded(FiftyOneDegreesPatternV3)) {
$provider = FiftyOneDegreesPatternV3::provider_get();
elseif (extension_loaded(FiftyOneDegreesTrieV3)) {
$provider = FiftyOneDegreesTrieV3::provider_get();
else {
echo "No 51Degrees PHP detector module found!<br>\n Please install and add entry to your php.ini file<br>\n";
// List of all relevant HTTP headers
$allHttpHeaders_in = $provider->getHttpHeaders();
for($i=0;$i<$allHttpHeaders_in->size();$i++) {
$allHttpHeaders[$i] = $allHttpHeaders_in->get($i);
// Information about data set.
// Determine if Pattern or Trie detector is used.
$isPattern = True;
$algorithmUsed = "Pattern";
if (strpos($provider->getDataSetName(), 'Trie') !== false) {
$isPattern = FALSE;
$algorithmUsed = "Trie";
// List of properties as declared in PHP.ini file.
// List may be different to properties contained in the initialised data set.
// Some properties may not be in the data set you are trying to use.
// I.e. Lite data set does not contain properties like IsTablet or DeviceType.
if ($isPattern) {
$iniProperties = ini_get('FiftyOneDegreesPatternV3.property_list');
$properties = explode(",", $iniProperties);
elseif ($algorithmUsed == "Trie") {
$iniProperties = ini_get('FiftyOneDegreesTrieV3.property_list');
$properties = explode(",", $iniProperties);
if ($properties[1] == null) {
$properties_in = $provider->getAvailableProperties();
for ($i=0;$i<$properties_in->size();$i++) {
$properties[$i] = $properties_in->get($i);
// 51Degrees Logo image link.
$logoImage = getWebsiteLink("image", $isPattern);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://51degrees.com/Demos/examples.css" class="inline"/>
<div class="content">
<img src="<?=$logoImage; ?>"
alt="51Degrees logo image for PHP C Extension."/>
<h1>PHP <?=$algorithmUsed; ?> - Device Detection Example</h1>
printInfoTable($provider, $isPattern);
printHttpHeaders($allHttpHeaders, "User-Agent", array("HTTP_USER_AGENT"));
$match_ua = $provider->getMatch($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
printArrayToTable($match_ua, $properties, $isPattern, "ua");
printHttpHeaders($allHttpHeaders, "HTTP Headers");
$httpHeaders = "";
//Get all HTTP headers from $_SERVER
foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $value) {
if (strpos($key, "HTTP_") !== false) {
$httpHeaders = $httpHeaders.$key." ".$value."\n";
$result_1 = $provider->getMatch($httpHeaders);
printArrayToTable($result_1, $properties, $isPattern, 2);
* Function prints the contents of a supplied array as a table.
* @param $array is the array to print out. Mandatory.
* @param $colNames a one dimensional array that contains names of columns. Optional.
* Default values will be used if parameter not provided.
function printArrayToTable($match, $properties, $isPattern, $occurance, $colNames=array("Property","Value","Data Type")) {
// Columns in the array.
$columnsInTable = count($colNames);
// Extra column for the button.
$columnsInArrayWithButton = $columnsInTable + 1;
// Number of rows for properties.
// Id, Rank, Method and Difference are not displayed in the properties
// section, so we need less rows.
// Default is for Trie and Trie only provides Id.
$propertiesRows = count($properties) + 2;
// Number of Match Metrics rows. Pattern provides more metrics stats.
$metricsRowspan = 2;
if ($isPattern) {
// Pattern provides more metrics than Trie, hence more rows.
$metricsRowspan = 5;
echo "<table>";
echo "<tbody>";
// Print metrics section.
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th colspan='".$columnsInTable."'>Match Metrics</th>";
// Print 'About metrics' button.
echo "<th rowspan='".$metricsRowspan."'>";
$link = getWebsiteLink("metrics", $isPattern, $occurance);
echo "<a class='button' target='_blank' href='".$link."'>About Metrics</a>";
echo "</th>";
echo "</tr>";
//Print device Id.
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>Id</td>";
if (NULL !== $match->getDeviceId()) {
//For Trie Id is an optional property. May not necessarily be set.
echo "<td>".$match->getDeviceId()."</td>";
echo "<td>".gettype($match->getDeviceId())."</td>";
} else {
echo "<td>N/A</td>";
echo "<td>N/A</td>";
echo "</tr>";
if ($isPattern) {
//Print detection method.
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>Method</td>";
echo "<td>".$match->getMethod()."</td>";
echo "<td>".gettype($match->getMethod())."</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>Difference</td>";
echo "<td>".$match->getDifference()."</td>";
echo "<td>".gettype($match->getDifference())."</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>Rank</td>";
echo "<td>".$match->getRank()."</td>";
echo "<td>".gettype($match->getRank())."</td>";
echo "</tr>";
//Print column names
//Print Device properties header
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th colspan='".$columnsInTable."'>Device Properties</th>";
echo "<th rowspan='".$propertiesRows."'>";
$link = getWebsiteLink("properties", $isPattern, $occurance);
echo "<a class='button' target='_blank' href='".$link."'>More Properties</a>";
echo "</th>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
foreach($colNames as $key) {
echo "<td>$key</td>";
echo "</tr>";
//Print table contents.
if ($properties != NULL) {
//Dataset was in fact initialised with a list of properties.
foreach($properties as $value) {
//Ignore Rank, Id, Method and Difference as they are printed elsewhere.
if ($value === "SignatureRank" || $value === "Rank" ||
$value === "Difference" || $value === "Method" || $value ==="Id") {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td><a href='https://51degrees.com/resources/property-dictionary#$value'>$value</a></td>";
if ($match->getValue($value) != NULL) {
echo "<td>".$match->getValue($value)."</td>";
} else {
echo "<td><a href='https://51degrees.com/compare-data-options'>Switch Data Set</a></td>";
echo "<td>".gettype($match->getValue($value))."</td>";
echo "</tr>";
} else {
//NULL was provided, meaning all properties selected.
foreach($match->getAvailableProperties() as $key => $value) {
//Ignore Rank, Id, Method and Difference as they are printed elsewhere.
if ($key === "SignatureRank" || $key === "Rank" ||
$key === "Difference" || $key === "Method" || $key ==="Id") {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td><a href='https://51degrees.com/resources/property-dictionary#$key'>$key</a></td>";
echo "<td>".$value."</td>";
echo "<td>".gettype($value)."</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</tbody>";
echo "</table>";
* Function prints information related to the data file currently in use.
function printInfoTable($provider, $isPattern) {
//How many columns will be required.
$columns = 3;
echo "<table>";
echo "<tbody>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th colspan='$columns' class='fod_table_header'>Data Set Information</th>";
echo "</tr>";
//Print dataset initialisation message.
//Third column spans all rows and is used to print 'Compare Data Options' button.
if ($columns == 3) {
echo "<td rowspan='6'>";
$link = getWebsiteLink("compare", $isPattern);
echo "<a class='button' target='_blank' href='".$link."'>Compare Data Options</a>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
//Print dataset Published date. Pattern only.
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>Dataset published:</td>";
if ($isPattern) {
echo "<td>".$provider->getDataSetPublishedDate()."</td>";
} else {
echo "<td>Not available for Trie.</td>";
echo "</tr>";
//Print dataset next update date. Pattern only.
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>Dataset next update:</td>";
if ($isPattern) {
echo "<td>".$provider->getDataSetNextUpdateDate()."</td>";
} else {
echo "<td>Not available for Trie.</td>";
echo "</tr>";
//Print dataset version. Pattern only.
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>Dataset version:</td>";
if ($isPattern) {
echo "<td>".$provider->getDataSetFormat()."</td>";
} else {
echo "<td>Not available for Trie.</td>";
echo "</tr>";
//Print dataset name. Exists for both Pattern and Trie. Both Pattern and Trie.
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>Dataset name:</td>";
echo "<td>".$provider->getDataSetName()."</td>";
echo "</tr>";
//Print device combinations. Pattern only.
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>Dataset device combinations:</td>";
if ($isPattern) {
echo "<td>".$provider->getDataSetDeviceCombinations()."</td>";
} else {
echo "<td>Not available for Trie.</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</tbody>";
echo "</table>";
* Function prints all relevant headers and values for the relevant HTTP
* headers that were set in this request.
function printHttpHeaders($array, $name, $headers=array()) {
if (empty($array)) {
return null;
$selective = FALSE;
if(!empty($headers)) {
$selective = TRUE;
echo "<table>";
echo "<tbody>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th colspan='2'>Match With $name</th>";
echo "</tr>";
foreach ($array as $value) {
if ($selective) {
//Only some headers are required.
//If current header not in the array of required headers skip.
if (!in_array("HTTP_".strtoupper(str_replace("-","_",$value)), $headers)) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>";
echo $value;
echo "</td>";
echo "<td>";
if ($_SERVER["HTTP_".strtoupper(str_replace("-","_",$value))] != NULL) {
echo $_SERVER["HTTP_".strtoupper(str_replace("-","_",$value))];
} else {
echo "<i>header not set</i>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</tbody>";
echo "</table>";
* Function generates a link to 51Degrees based on the purpose of the link, whether
* the detector is operating in Pattern or Trie modes and if the link is created for
* the match with User-Agent function or the Match with Headers function. Guaranteed
* to return a link, even if the parameter is not known.
* @returns a link to 51Degrees.com
function getWebsiteLink($purpose, $isPattern, $occurance=1) {
$url = "https://51degrees.com";
$utmSource = "utm_source=Github";
$utmMedium = "utm_medium=repository";
$utmContent = "example_trie";
if($isPattern) {
$utmContent = "example_pattern";
$utmCampaign = "utm_campaign=php-open-source";
if ($purpose === 'image') {
$url = "https://51degrees.com/DesktopModules/FiftyOne/Distributor/Logo.ashx";
} else if ($purpose === 'metrics') {
$url = "https://51degrees.com/support/documentation/howdevicedetectionworks/trie";
if ($isPattern) {
$url = "https://51degrees.com/support/documentation/pattern";
if ($occurance == 2) {
$utmContent .= "_header";
} else {
$utmContent .= "_ua";
} else if ($purpose === 'compare') {
$url = "https://51degrees.com/compare-data-options";
$utmContent .= "_compare";
} else if ($purpose === 'properties') {
$url = "https://51degrees.com/resources/property-dictionary";
if ($occurance == 2) {
$utmContent .= "_properties_header";
} else {
$utmContent .= "_properties_ua";
return $url."?".$utmSource."&".$utmMedium."&".$utmContent."&".$utmCampaign;