...having to manually install new API versions
Accurate, detailed and up to date information on devices, browsers and operating systems are crucial to device detection. Within months the whole device landscape can shift, with companies like Apple or Samsung releasing their latest flagship device or latest operating system, it is important that your device detection solution is updated as quickly and seamlessly as possible so you can start accurately detecting these new devices, browsers or operating systems as soon as they hit the market.
51Degrees makes this extremely simple. All our information on the devices, browser and operating systems we detect is stored within our data files which we update daily, for enterprise customers, or weekly, for premium customers, and this data file is available to download on our weWht having device information built into our API it means you don't have to reinstall our API every month to detect the latest iOS or Android operating system which can be very time-consuming.
The same however can't be said about our competitors. With Scientiamobile some of their device information is built into their API meaning you need to update your API to accurately detect newer devices, browsers and operating system. As you can see below, the release notes for their API they say they have added support for iOS 11, among other things. The issue is you have to update the WURFL API manually which is a time-consuming process but if you choose not to update it then you lose the ability to accurately detect newer operating systems or devices.

They themselves suggest that you should update your API every quarter, however looking at Nuget they haven't updated their API in 9 months (as of 25th July 2018) and in that time plenty of new operating systems and browsers have been released meaning you won't be detecting newer device accurately.

We've made our technology as simple and stress-free as possible which why companies like Adform, Basis Technologies, Dynata (Research Now), EPAM, Open Text Corporation, Sitecore, and more use us.