
12/5/2024 2:30 PM
Fixing Fingerprinting and other Privacy Nonsense
Calling probabilistic identifiers implies wrongdoing, but sharing such data isn’t illegal unless it's used to make impactful decisions about individuals.

5/20/2024 4:15 PM
Understand Google’s Privacy Sandbox APIs
Make smarter decisions with Privacy Sandbox analytics
Understanding the web technologies available based on the browsers and devices your customers are using ensures your strategy is based on fact. 51Degrees gives you this granularity for Privacy Sandbox, and it takes only a few minutes to add to your analytics.

6/1/2023 1:00 PM
Countdown to G-Day: the User-Agent reduction is complete
Device detection upgrade needed now
The User-Agent reduction has progressed to the final phase. All web device detection solutions that don’t support the User-Agent reduction and User-Agent Clients Hint must now be upgraded if they are to continue to function.

2/24/2023 10:30 AM
Google's revised plans for the User-Agent
User-Agent Client Hint (UA-CH) updates from the fourth CMA report
On 31 January, Google’s Q4 report to the UK CMA was released. The report provides much-needed updates on the User-Agent reduction and User-Agent Client Hints. We recap the key points from the report in this blog.

6/7/2022 4:00 PM
Google's first report on the Privacy Sandbox proposals
Key points from the report include updates on the User-Agent reduction and User-Agent Client Hints
The UK Competition and Markets Authority has received the first quarterly report from Google regarding its Privacy Sandbox proposals.

3/14/2022 3:30 PM
MWC22: foldable smartphones, robots, and a transparent TV
The biggest announcements from MWC Barcelona 2022
It was great to meet so many new faces and discuss all things real-time data with industry leaders and exhibitors.

11/24/2021 4:30 PM
Understanding the User-Agent string
These strings hold more insight than you may realize
We know our onions when it comes to detecting information from a User-Agent HTTP request header. This guide will go through everything you need to know about the User-Agent, including how to identify a range of devices, browsers, and operating systems from the HTTP header.

8/10/2021 4:00 PM
User-Agent Client Hints: your questions answered
User-Agent Client Hints are one of the biggest changes to the device detection industry. Here’s what you need to know.
These HTTP header requests have been introduced within Chromium browsers to replace the User-Agent. While we don’t think this is a good idea, we need to upgrade our device detection capabilities to include support for this feature. This blog covers any questions you may have on User-Agent Client Hints support within our device detection.

7/5/2021 5:00 PM
MWC21: what new devices were announced?
Let’s discuss the news from Lenovo and Alcatel
Mobile World Congress 2021 has just wrapped up, and despite the challenges of hosting an international event during a global pandemic, the event still had some new device announcements.

1/20/2021 4:00 PM
Cybersecurity: what to expect in 2021
What does 2021 entail for Cybersecurity? We reveal everything you need to know based on the predictions of experts.
We talk about industry experts’ predictions on Cybersecurity for the year 2021. Following the rattling pandemic of 2020 that became a harbinger of record-breaking cyber-attacks, we dish out the trends and the things to expect for Cybersecurity this year.