5/20/2024 4:15 PM
Understand Google’s Privacy Sandbox APIs
Make smarter decisions with Privacy Sandbox analytics
Understanding the web technologies available based on the browsers and devices your customers are using ensures your strategy is based on fact. 51Degrees gives you this granularity for Privacy Sandbox, and it takes only a few minutes to add to your analytics.

6/1/2023 1:00 PM
Countdown to G-Day: the User-Agent reduction is complete
Device detection upgrade needed now
The User-Agent reduction has progressed to the final phase. All web device detection solutions that don’t support the User-Agent reduction and User-Agent Clients Hint must now be upgraded if they are to continue to function.

2/24/2023 10:30 AM
Google's revised plans for the User-Agent
User-Agent Client Hint (UA-CH) updates from the fourth CMA report
On 31 January, Google’s Q4 report to the UK CMA was released. The report provides much-needed updates on the User-Agent reduction and User-Agent Client Hints. We recap the key points from the report in this blog.

1/9/2023 1:30 PM
Countdown to G-Day: Phase 6 of the User-Agent reduction
This is a fundamental change that will affect device detection as you know it
Chrome 110, due for release on 1 February 2023, will be the first Chrome version that has information removed from the mobile and tablet User-Agents. In essence, you will not be able to tell the difference between different mobile or tablet device models.

12/5/2022 12:45 PM
Countdown to G-Day: <deviceCompat> and <unifiedPlatform>
Within the User-Agent reduction, Google has a new format for Chrome User Agent strings
Google is pressing ahead with the User-Agent reduction. From February 2023, Google will reduce the information within Chrome mobile and tablet User-Agent strings. Device information will only be available through User-Agent Client Hints.

10/18/2022 3:15 PM
Countdown to G-Day: Phase 5 of the User-Agent reduction
Chrome 107 is the first Chrome version to contain reduced platform information within desktop User-Agents
If you have not adjusted your systems to support User-Agent Client Hints before the release of Chrome 107 on 25 October 2022, you are likely to encounter a reduction in your device detection accuracy.

10/12/2022 3:45 PM
Learn Client Hints webinar transcript
This is a transcript of our webinar from 28 September 2022
The webinar, and this transcript, serves as an extensive history into why Google are reducing the User-Agent in favor of their own creation, User-Agent Client Hints.

9/1/2022 1:00 PM
Why is Google messing with the User-Agent?
Join our webinar and find out how Google’s Privacy Sandbox proposals will affect you
In this webinar, we’ll discuss Google’s User-Agent Reduction and User-Agent Client Hints proposals. Both are a big change, whether you are a website owner, web analytics professional, or performance optimization specialist, you will need to prepare. Join us on 28 September to learn more.

7/25/2022 1:00 PM
Latency issues within User-Agent Client Hints
How to make your concerns known to Google
User-Agent Client Hints return device information in the second request rather than the first; this can cause latency issues. We discuss why Google need to address the latency and offer a work-around.

6/14/2022 5:00 PM
Updates to User-Agent Client Hints: 51Degrees Version 4.4
Full User-Agent Client Hints support is now available
Version 4.4 of the 51Degrees service, which contains full User-Agent Client Hints support, has now been released. Find out more about the changes and how to get started with UA-CH support.