Ad Tech

10/14/2024 2:30 PM
AI Crawler Control - New property for Publishers
The new 51Degrees IsArtificialIntelligence property helps identify whether a web crawler is being used to gather data for AI training. This property gives the user greater control and can be used to block certain crawlers from accessing content, particularly when AI training doesn't serve their interests.

5/20/2024 4:15 PM
Understand Google’s Privacy Sandbox APIs
Make smarter decisions with Privacy Sandbox analytics
Understanding the web technologies available based on the browsers and devices your customers are using ensures your strategy is based on fact. 51Degrees gives you this granularity for Privacy Sandbox, and it takes only a few minutes to add to your analytics.

4/30/2024 12:45 PM
9% revenue boost to publishers with 51Degrees and Prebid
Setting the standard for Prebid integrations
Publishers can bank a meaningful improvement in CPM with 51Degrees device data enriching the OpenRTB device object. Ensure you get the most value from your advertising space with little effort.

4/26/2023 12:45 PM
OpenRTB's Structured User Agent and User-Agent Client Hints
How to convert SUA data into UA-CH, and vice versa
Version 2.6 of the OpenRTB specification introduces the Structured User Agent. This new Object: Device attribute addresses Google’s changes to the User-Agent and the new User-Agent Client Hints.

7/25/2022 1:00 PM
Latency issues within User-Agent Client Hints
How to make your concerns known to Google
User-Agent Client Hints return device information in the second request rather than the first; this can cause latency issues. We discuss why Google need to address the latency and offer a work-around.

3/31/2021 11:00 AM
How 51Degrees invented SWAN
Secure Web Addressablility Network and why it’s different
In parallel with supporting Marketers for an Open Web, we have invented SWAN (Secure Web Addressability Network). Read this blog to find out more and get involved.

5/15/2019 3:36 PM
51Degrees AdTech Focused Patent Granted
AdTech players now have a fast, free and future proof device detection solution
51Degrees' sub-microsecond device detection solution is granted a European patent, further adding to our established portfolio.

10/2/2018 12:59 PM
51Degrees User Agent Analysis Oct 2018 - New Apples on the Block
51Degrees shares popular User Agent examples including iPhone XS/XS Max
This blog shares the latest 51Degrees User-Agent Analysis including User-Agent examples from the latest Smartphones and Tablets. Currently, we have over 51,000 device models in our database.

2/21/2018 9:44 AM
Act now to make the most of 5G
Why the world needs 5G and how it will impact the Programmatic Advertising & Publisher industries
James Rosewell, CEO and Founder of 51Degrees, asks why the world needs 5G and how it will impact the Programmatic Advertising and Publisher industries. 5G isn’t a tactical issue to be addressed in 2018 alongside header bidding, viewability or brand safety. It is, however, something to put on the strategic roadmap and to start preparing for. 5G presents a clear opportunity for Adtech and Publishers to address many systemic problems over a realistic timeframe. Prepare now to embrace the 5G opportunity in the early 2020s.