Chart Of The Week
In the previous blog post How Much Windows Phone Web Traffic Comes from Nokia Devices? we have seen how Nokia has increased its share of global web traffic originating from Nokia mobile devices from 8% in January 2012 to 82.65% in August 2013.
It has been a year since August 2013 and it's time to re-visit this area to see how Nokia has performed since then.
Global Web Traffic - Windows Phone Devices

The above graph shows that over 90% of global Windows Phone web traffic originates from Nokia devices. According to Techcrunch Microsoft manufactures 95% of all Windows phones which corresponds to the data. This was achieved at the expense of Nokia's main competitors on Windows Phone device market: HTC, Samsung, LG and Huawei.
The overall share of Microsoft's smartphone OS has decreased from 3.8% in Q2 2013 to 2.7% in Q2 2014 which constitutes a 0.9 million decrease from 8.9 millions in Q2 2013 to 8 millions in Q2 2014.