What's Covered
This tutorial illustrates how to create a 51Degrees device detection dataset with a custom caching configuration.
Code and Explanation
Find profiles example of using 51Degrees device detection.
The example shows how to:
string fileName = args[0];
DataSet dataSet = DataSetBuilder.File()
.SetCacheBuilder(CacheType.SignaturesCache, new CustomCacheBuilder())
.SetCacheBuilder(CacheType.ProfilesCache, null)
public static void Run(string fileName)
// DataSet is the object used to interact with the data file.
// DataSetBuilder creates a DataSet with a pool of binary
// readers to perform device lookup using file on disk.
// The type is disposable and is therefore contained in using
// block to ensure file handles and resources are freed.
using (DataSet dataSet = DataSetBuilder.File()
// First, the SingleThreadLowMemory configuration template
// is specified in order to provide initial values for the
// cache settings.
// A custom cache implementation is specified to store signatures.
.SetCacheBuilder(CacheType.SignaturesCache, new CustomCacheBuilder())
// A null cache is specified for profiles in order to reduce
// memory usage. This means that profiles will always be
// loaded from disk when needed.
.SetCacheBuilder(CacheType.ProfilesCache, null)
// Create a provider using the dataset.
// The provider handles the process of finding a match
// in the dataset for a given user agent.
using (Provider provider = new Provider(dataSet))
Console.WriteLine("Staring Caching Configuration Example.");
// Used to store and access detection results.
Match match;
// Contains detection result for the IsMobile property.
string IsMobile;
// User-Agent string of an iPhone mobile device.
string mobileUserAgent = ("Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone " +
"OS 7_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.2 (KHTML, like " +
"Gecko) 'Version/7.0 Mobile/11D167 Safari/9537.53");
// Get a match object and display the IsMobile property
match = provider.Match(mobileUserAgent);
IsMobile = match["IsMobile"].ToString();
Console.WriteLine(" IsMobile: " + IsMobile);
In this tutorial you have seen how to use DataSetBuilder to create a dataset with a custom cache configuration.
The example uses the .NET MemoryCache but the same principle could be applied to any 3rd party cache implementation.
The 51 Degrees API has been tested extensively to determine the best caching strategies and parameters for a wide range of environments and use cases. Care should be taken when using a custom configuration to ensure that performance is not degraded unintentionally.