◆ __init__()
def fiftyone_devicedetection_onpremise.devicedetection_onpremise.DeviceDetectionOnPremise.__init__ | ( | self, | |
data_file_path = None ,
data = None ,
auto_update = None ,
cache = None ,
restricted_properties = None ,
licence_keys = None ,
download = True ,
max_matched_useragent_length = None ,
drift = None ,
difference = None ,
allow_unmatched = None ,
file_system_watcher = False ,
polling_interval = 30 ,
update_time_maximum_randomisation = 10 ,
create_temp_data_copy = True ,
update_matched_useragent = False ,
performance_profile = "LowMemory" ,
reuse_temp_file = False ,
concurrency = multiprocessing.cpu_count() ,
update_on_start = False ,
data_update_url = "https://distributor.51degrees.com/api/v2/download" ,
use_predictive_graph = None ,
use_performance_graph = None ,
data_update_use_url_formatter = True ,
data_update_verify_md5 = True ,
data_update_product_type = None ,
** | kwargs | ||
) |
Constructor for the DeviceDetection On Premise Engine.
@type data_file_path: string
- Parameters
- data_file_path - path to the data file @type data: binary
- data - in memory version of datafile @type auto_update: bool
- auto_update - whether to automatically update the datafile when required @type restricted_properties: list
- restricted_properties - List of property keys to limit the engine to @type license_keys: string
- licence_keys - licencekeys to use for the data file update service @type download: bool
- download - whether to download the datafile or keep it in memory when it is returned from the datafile update service @type max_matched_useragents_length : int
- Number - of characters to consider in the matched User-Agent. Ignored if update_matched_useragent is false @type update_matched_useragent:
- - update_matched_useragent: True if the detection should record the matched characters from the target User-Agent @type drift: int
- drift - Set maximum drift in hash position to allow when processing HTTP headers @type difference: int
- difference - set the maximum difference to allow when processing HTTP headers. The difference is the difference in hash value between the hash that was found, and the hash that is being searched for. By default this is 0. @type allow_unmatched : bool
- allow_unmatched - True if there should be at least one matched node in order for the results to be considered valid. By default, this is false @type performance_profile: string
- performance_profile - options are: LowMemory, MaxPerformance, Balanced, BalancedTemp, HighPerformance @type reuse_temp_file: bool
- reuse_temp_file - Indicates that an existing temp file may be used. This should be selected if multiple instances wish to use the same file to prevent high disk usage. @type concurrency: int
- concurrency - defaults to the number of cpus in the machine @type update_on_start : bool
- update_on_start - : When this is set to true the datafile is updated / downloaded immediately on initialization. This is useful if no initial datafile is present. @type file_system_watcher: bool
- file_system_watcher - whether to check the datafile's path for changes and update the connected FlowElement's data @type polling_interval: int
- polling_interval - How often to poll for updates to the datafile (minutes) @type update_time_maximum_randomisation : int
- update_time_maximum_randomisation - : Maximum randomisation offset in seconds to polling time interval @type data_update_verify_md5 : bool @type create_temp_copy: bool
- create_temp_copy - whether to copy datafile to temporary location when updating @type data_update_url: string
- data_update_url - base url for the datafile update service @type use_performance_graph: bool
- use_performance_graph - True if the performance optimized graph should be used for processing @type use_predictive_graph: bool
- use_predictive_graph - True if the predictive optimized graph should be used for processing
- data_update_use_url_formatter - This must be set to false to prevent the API from appending the query string parameters that are required when calling the 51Degrees Distributor service. @type data_update_use_url_formatter: bool