
5/17/2018 3:08 PM
51Degrees API Capabilities
PHP, LUA, Go, Varnish and NGINX updates
The 51Degrees Device Detection software allows an application to determine the exact details about a user’s device. We support many programming language versions and have made some recent enhancements that are relevant for anyone using PHP, LUA and Go.

8/31/2017 12:40 PM
How to use 51Degrees in combination with Native Applications
Benefits of our Native support
This blog will go through some of the benefits of 51Degrees’ Native support and how you can use the Java SDK to gather the required information for the 51Degrees API.

8/21/2017 1:33 PM
How to Use the New Hash Trie algorithm in Java
51Degrees explains how to call the C Hash Trie API within Java.
This article shows how the new, faster, Hash Trie algorithm can be used in a Java environment. This blog will go through the steps required to create an illustrative example of how to call the C Hash Trie API within Java. Before starting, you will need to get hold of the new Hash Trie source which is available on GitHub.

9/16/2015 1:55 PM
Filter device data by properties and values with signatures
Get the most out of your 51Degrees data file using Java API
Did you know that you can use the 51Degrees device data file not only for device detection, but also for enhancing the report generating tools, enhancing the analytics data and exposing parts of data to improve client experience? This article demonstrates how to use the signature entities from the 51Degrees data file to produce a subset of signatures based on one or more property.

8/27/2015 1:34 PM
Java API 3.2 released to Beta
Slimmer, faster and more memory efficient.
Over the past months we have been working on improving the speed and efficiency of our Java API. We are happy to announce that as of today the API has officially been released to beta and is available for download. The API features improved auto update, better caching, support for V3.2 data files and more. Check out the list of changes.

3/4/2015 11:00 AM
51 Degrees Java API now also available on Scala
Using 51Degrees device data with Scala and Maven
Scala is becoming increasingly popular as it allows concise code with a strong type system. It can also access all Java libraries as it runs in the the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). In this blog we'll use the 51Degrees Maven Java library to perform device detection using Scala code. The blog assumes the reader is familiar with Maven and Scala.

10/10/2014 11:30 AM
How to get Signatures/UserAgents from device model
Using Java
Device detection is usually expected to take a user agent as an input and use it to return a device with the relevant properties. But what if you want to find signatures/user agent strings associated with a particular property? Read this article to find out how to use your 51Degrees data file to retrieve device signatures based on specific strings, contained in selected properties.

9/26/2014 11:34 AM
Image Resizing For Mobile Devices
Using 51Degrees Image Optimiser In .NET, PHP and Java
Images and graphics can often cause websites to take a significant amount of time to load and constitute a large chunk of traffic. This is especially a problem for devices with slow Internet connection. Using RWD does not eliminate this problem either. This article will demonstrate how easy it is to use 51Degrees Image Optimiser and provide two examples in PHP.

9/12/2014 11:00 AM
Gain Valuable Insights From Web Logs With Device Detection
Use a few lines of Java and device detection to analyse web logs
Device detection brings meaning to user agents. When used in aggregate analysis of web log files insights can be gained about the characteristics of device accessing a web site. This information can then be used to make smarter design decisions improving user experience and return on investment. Properties available include screen size, supported input methods, web browser capabilities and much more.
This example is written in Java and can be downloaded directly from our website.

5/27/2014 2:10 PM
Version 3 Device Detection
General Availability
Following live trials lasting more than 6 months we're delighted to announce version 3 of the 51Degrees device detection solution is fully released.
Available to all, including free Lite users, key improvements include:
- Over 100 times faster device detection
- Reduced memory consumption and faster start up times
- Automatic image optimisation (PHP, Java and .NET)
- Future proof algorithms supporting potentially millions of device combinations