5/17/2018 3:08 PM
51Degrees API Capabilities
PHP, LUA, Go, Varnish and NGINX updates
The 51Degrees Device Detection software allows an application to determine the exact details about a user’s device. We support many programming language versions and have made some recent enhancements that are relevant for anyone using PHP, LUA and Go.

10/16/2014 11:01 AM
Benefits of persistent banner ads on smartphones
Use screen size to your advantage
One-off payments are replaced by in-app purchases, subscriptions and advertising. While the first two are generally regulated and depend on platform vendor, ads are cross-platform and often neglected by both designers and advertising agencies. Learn how to increase user engagement and advertisements efficiency by detecting screen diagonal size of requesting devices.

10/3/2014 8:03 AM
Distributions Update
PHP and .NET
Version will shortly be released as stable for .NET with several important changes. PHP to be updated to correctly work with transparent pixels in .PNG images.

9/26/2014 11:34 AM
Image Resizing For Mobile Devices
Using 51Degrees Image Optimiser In .NET, PHP and Java
Images and graphics can often cause websites to take a significant amount of time to load and constitute a large chunk of traffic. This is especially a problem for devices with slow Internet connection. Using RWD does not eliminate this problem either. This article will demonstrate how easy it is to use 51Degrees Image Optimiser and provide two examples in PHP.

5/27/2014 2:10 PM
Version 3 Device Detection
General Availability
Following live trials lasting more than 6 months we're delighted to announce version 3 of the 51Degrees device detection solution is fully released.
Available to all, including free Lite users, key improvements include:
- Over 100 times faster device detection
- Reduced memory consumption and faster start up times
- Automatic image optimisation (PHP, Java and .NET)
- Future proof algorithms supporting potentially millions of device combinations

6/20/2013 12:01 PM
Understanding Devices That Browse Your Website
Understanding what devices are browsing your website and their capabilities is key to optimising your website for mobile. I have put together some small code examples showing how you can gain this sort of knowledge using 51Degrees Device Detection, allowing you to fully optimise your mobile users web experience.

4/9/2013 10:00 AM
Automatic PHP Updates With Cron Detector for PHP ensures that the Premium Data file is kept up to date by offering an update feature that will download and apply any new data released by Unfortunately, a vanilla PHP install will only respond to web requests, so cannot be made to update by itself regularly.
This guide outlines how to create a Cron job to automatically update your Premium Data file in a PHP environment.

10/2/2012 5:14 PM PHP Device Detection using PHPCloud is compatible with the Zend developer cloud, "PHPCloud", without the need for php extensions. This short guide will show you how to implement the PHP device detection API using the developer cloud.

10/2/2012 4:13 PM device detection with the Zend Framework and Zend Server is compatable with the Zend Framework without the need for plugins. In this short guide, I will show you how to implement the The PHP device detection API into a Zend framework project running on a Zend application server. Although this article has been written with Zend server in mind, the principals will apply to any other PHP compatible application server.

8/16/2012 10:00 AM
How to use XMLHttpRequest and XDomainRequest to stream messages
Our PHP device detection API includes a feature to update the rules and data used to identify requesting browsers, operating systems and hardware via a single PHP script ( Plug-in developers want to use this script to provide a simple button to update the device data from within their favourite CMS' administration interface. However our update script simply writes status messages back to the browser as plain text. Some browsers don't display these messages as they arrive, instead waiting until the entire message has been received. This is no good if we want to provide the user update status messages as the update is happening. For example; "Calculating Delta" or "Verifying Changes". We therefore need a method to display these messages as they arrive. This blog explains a surprisingly simple solution.