
12/23/2020 1:00 PM
How many cuppa's does your browser weigh?
The environmental impact of encrypting the web by default
Have you ever considered how much CO2 your website encryption produces? This article discusses new research on the decisions that can affect the environmental impact of the web.

2/24/2017 10:13 AM
Solution to optimise for data-minimising mobile browsers
51Degrees, the device detection and data analytics specialist, today reveals a market first that enables brands to optimise mobile web experience for users of data-minimising browsers.

10/10/2014 1:57 PM
Vendor battle heats up
Apple still leads the way with tablet browsing but changes may be ahead
Looking at the recent report compiled by ABI Research, Apple and Samsung lead the way in tablet sales but the likes of Amazon, Asus, Lenovo, Acer and even Tesco are now battling it out to join them at the top table. We take a slightly different angle on this and investigate where these vendors are in comparison to each other when it comes down to their customers using them to access the internet.

10/16/2012 2:03 PM
Mobile Web Trends - 2012 Interim - White Paper
We've refreshed our Mobile Web Trends white paper to include web usage data from the 1st 9 months of 2012. Find out how much tablet web usage share has increased already in 2012, understand which mobile hardware vendors are gaining and losing share based on current web usage and learn about our free mobile analytics product and how it can help your business make smarter decisions.